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Cracy - words based on the root CRACY

Words based on the root Cracy

1. Anocracy: A government regime that is instable and inept
2. Arifmocracy: A form of government run by a group that gets the numerical majority 3. Aristocracy: A form of government run by the most privileged people
4. Autocracy: A government run by a single individual
5. Bureaucracy: A government with non-elected officials

6. Democracy: A government where people are eligible to choose their rulers
 7. Despotocracy: A government run by a despot
8. Diabolocracy: A government run by a devil
9. Gerontocracy: A government consisting of/run by old people
10. Kakistocracy: A government run by the worst

11. Kleptocracy: A government run by thieves
12. Mediocracy: A government run by the mediocre
13. Mobocracy: A government run by the mob
14. Neocracy: A government run by inexperienced or fledgling officials
15. Ochlocracy: A government run by the mob or crowd

16. Pantisocracy: A utopian form of government with an egalitarian community
17. Particracy: A form of government, where parties rather than individuals rule
18. Stratocracy: A government run by the military chiefs
19. Timocracy: A form of government, where only property owners can participate in government

20. Theocracy: A form of government, where God is the ruler

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