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One Word Substitutions - I, J, K, L

1. illegible- incapable of being read

2. inaccessible - a person/place that cannot be easily approached

3. impracticable
- incapable of being practiced

4. inaudible - a sound that cannot be heard

5. incorrigible - incapable of being corrected

6. irreparable - incapable of being repaired

7. indelible - a mark that cannot be erased

8. infallible - one who is free from all mistakes and failures

9. inedible - not fit to eat

10. inflammable - liable to catch fire easily

11. inevitable - that cannot be avoided

12.indispensable - that cannot be dispensed with, removed

13. interregnum - a period of interval between regimes and governments

14. intelligible -that can be understood

15. lunar -of the moon

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